Hola, I'm Yash Bhardwaj by profession I'm CyberSecurity Enthusiast !!
Cybersec / Infosec ( Developer / Exploitation framework tools / Reverse Engineering / Binary Exploitation )
HackGodybj is my alias for cybersec or the internet my real name is Yash Bhardwaj and I am from India. passion for testing systems and creating Exploitation framework's. I love Python and React-JS. Recently, I built a C2-server and Symbian framework using my skills. Symbian.
2000Born in Delhi, India.
2019Completed the RedHat certified Engineer in the mastery of linux from Shriram millienium school of computer.
2020Started exploring the outer offsec world ( Testing skills in the outer world such as Bug bounty, cracking online boxes on HacktheBox and TryHackME )
2020 to presentCurrently preparing for OSCP (Offensive security certified professional)
I ♥
Internet Surfing, Music, HacktheBox, Playing at HackerOne, TryHackME, Machine Learning